Helping my cousin to acquire a wifi thermostat

I am actually attempting to help my cousin while I am here because she is a laboring doctor with a small kid and has no idea in the least how to do any kind of household repairs or improvements. She still has 1 of those outdated dial thermostats, which barely even works to be honest. She is regularly adjusting the temperature on it trying to keep the household cool while in this sizzling Spring. Summer will be coming soon and I don’t want her and my nephew to be sizzling in the household so I am going to look for 1 of those smart WIFI thermostats which will basically do all of the work for her. She can adjust it if she wants from her iPhone so it will save her a great deal of the hassle that she is going through now with the outdated thermostat. I am going to try and paint some of her household too because the inside of the house is all torn up and the walls are all crazy colors. I think she could also use a good whole-house air purifier here because the household smells kind of musty or something. My neighbor runs the local Heating & Air Conditioning device corporation here and I think I could get her a fine deal on a new whole household air purifying unit. They are pretty self-explanatory to install and since I am here for so many weeks I could do it myself. I also need to clean her ductwork because I noticed that there is a tremendous amount of dust in the vents and I am certain the ducts are dusty as well.



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