The woodstove was hard to unlink

When my spouse plus I bought our house there was a woodstove in the center of the dining room.

The previous homeowners even made a tile pad for the woodstove to rest on.

They also vented the stove up through the ceiling plus added a protrusion on the roof. I instantly said the wood stove had to go. The apartment had central heating plus cooling. I figured out the woodstove was a decorative feature that you could technically use. Who wants to burn a fire in their dining room? Can you imagine the smell plus clean up? Removing that wood stove was horrible. The heating idea was cast iron plus drastically heavy; Due to its smaller size it wasn’t a house heater. The local Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C contractor didn’t want it. I had to find a guy with a hunting apartment that wanted it. Then my spouse had to rip the big pipe that affixed the pipe from the floor to the roof. It also was heavy, covered in webs however clean inside. The previous homeowners didn’t use that heating idea 1 time! What a waste. I then had to call roofers to get the protrusion off plus patch the roof. There is a slight discoloration from where it was. Now I am researching shingling the roof, I hate it so bad… All that time, effort plus money was for a heating idea that couldn’t particularly heat the apartment feasibly. Who would possibly want something like that? It was in the middle of the room where a TV should go too.


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