Motorcycle law firm helps out miliary family

Did you know that military life insurance doesn’t apply if the military member dies in a motorcycle accident? I didn’t know that when my husband bought a motorcycle.

I always knew motorcycles were dangerous but I also know that my husband is a very careful driver. It’s not that I figured he would die in a motorcycle accident and I would get his life insurance. It’s not like that at all. However, when the unthinkable happened, I took a very small amount of solace knowing that there would be a few hundred thousand dollars coming from our military life insurance. I thought me and the girls would be okay for a few years. That’s when I found out about this loophole and that there would be no military life insurance headed our way. The auto and motorcycle insurance companies offered me very little compensation. I didn’t know how I was going to make ends meet. That’s when I heard an advertisement for a motorcycle law firm in our area. I decided to give them a call and see if there was not some way to get more money from the automobile insurance. After all, both insurance companies agreed that the driver of the pickup truck was to blame. He changed lanes without even looking. The motorcycle lawyer was great! The law firm took on my case and I didn’t even have to pay any money down. In the end, they got me more money than the military life insurance payout would have been. Now I don’t have to worry about finances for a few years. I might even be able to put away some money for our daughters to go to college eventually. My husband would have liked that.

personal injury law firm