Sugaring is a lot like waxing

I am 55 years old and I am going on a cruise with my sister.

  • She suggested that we get Brazilians for the trip.

I don’t know what I thought I was signing up for when I agreed to go to the sugaring salon with my sister. I knew we were getting Brazilians. I knew what that was but I thought that sugaring was a lot different than waxing the hair away. When in fact, getting a Brazilian sugaring is much like getting a Brazilian wax. Both are rather painful. With sugaring, the technician makes a paste out of sugar and lemon and applies it to the area you want the hair removed from. Then she pulls it away. It’s much like waxing but the sugar can be used again and again whereas the wax paper is generally just thrown out. I’m happy that my sister and I are now ready for our cruise but I really wish I had known what I was signing myself up for ahead of time. I might have declined. My sister kept laughing at me for not understanding what we were going to the salon for. I’m sorry but sugaring just sounds like a much gentle of a procedure than waxing does. That happens not to be the case after all and I wasn’t really prepared for the procedure. That’s all. I hope my sister doesn’t surprise me with anything else in preparation for our trip. I guess I’ll have to look up everything she suggests from now on so that I’m fully aware of what I’m signing up for.

sugaring shop