Today is Monday and That Means it is Food Shopping Day Again

I think tomorrow is a holiday so a lot of the local businesses will be closed, which means I need to get my food shopping done today or I am going to be hungry tomorrow because I have no food in the fridge. My cats are also out of food, so they will not be happy if I don’t go shopping for food today for them too. I have some work to do with my HVAC system, but I think that it can wait until later in the week because the weather is very moderate now and I’m not using any air conditioning or heating. I don’t think I will use any kind of climate control for the next three months because the weather is going to be perfect, and when it gets cooler I don’t like to use the heat too much because I like it cool in the house. Normally in the winter time I sleep with the bedroom window open, even when it is below freezing outside and sometimes snowing. I’ve always been a hot sleeper and I never like to have the heating on when I’m sleeping because I like it nice and cool in my room. I think I will go make a breakfast sandwich now and then get back to work for a while so that I can go to the beach pretty soon and get some sun. We will play music tonight outside this local business as soon as I finish my HVAC equipment writing jobs online over the next few hours or so. See you soon.

air conditioning filter