A unanimous group decision

When our spouse and I made the joint decision to have various youngsters all around the same age the two of us knew that it would come with various ups and downs! It was obvious that there would be some argument while the youngsters were growing up because that has just the category of thing that youngsters do, however as they have seasoned it has seemed love the arguments have been occuring on a more frequent basis.

In order to help with the constant back and forth our spouse and I have found a way to bring the youngsters together and help them work as a team by making all family decisions by taking a vote, one of the more recent things that the two of us had a family voting on was getting a current air conditioner unit installed or going on a more than one month holiday in the summer, then considering that our youngsters are young and savor to travel the two of us thought that the vote would be unanimously towards the holiday, however it absolutely ended up going the opposite way, each of our various youngsters wanted to get a current air conditioner unit installed for the beach house and had voted to get the upgrade done as soon as possible! While this wasn’t what our spouse and I planned for or voted for, letting them have a hand in the decision making has absolutely helped bring the argument to a bare minimum.

It still partially bums myself and others out considering how excited the two of us were for that trip this summer, but I guess the two of us will just lay around in the air conditioner and just appreciate the fact our youngsters aren’t trying to kill each other.


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