Finally took the HVAC company up on ductwork cleaning

I really didn’t pay that much attention to the stuff that I got through the mail from the HVAC company. That’s because I belong to the HVAC service plan and I communicate with the HVAC professionals via email. Still, I would get the direct mail ads from HVAC companies including my own. Again, I sort of just tossed them all in the trash. However, I actually read one of them when it arrived in the mail early this past spring. It was an offer for ductwork cleaning and ductwork resealing at a huge discount. And it was actually addressed to us. Since we were members of the HVAC service plan, we were given this opportunity. I didn’t even know what ductwork cleaning really was. So I looked it up online and realized that we had never had that done to my knowledge. I asked my husband and he agreed that there had never been any ductwork cleaning in the 11 years that we owned this house. Since it was drastically price reduced, we took a shot. And wow, what an amazing difference having clean HVAC air ducts has made in our house. First, the indoor air quality is vastly improved. I didn’t realize that the air ducts could get so dirty. That’s why they do the ductwork resealing once the air ducts are clean. The air ducts get gaps between the duct sections that let in dust and debris which then gets blown out into the air we breathe. I’m so pleased with our inside air that we’re going to remember to get ductwork cleaning periodically from now on.

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