Getting an air conditioned space of my own

It’s not that I exactly envy my single friends.

It’s not that.

But there are times when I see just how exciting and carefree their lives seem when compared to mine. Of course, comparisons are sort of stupid anyway as we all have our own things. But working inside the zone controlled HVAC of the office comes with hearing about lots of fun being had by guys close to my age who are single. I was married and we were starting a family right out of college. My wife and I were both sort of into getting started on a family right away. We were able to afford a home that we ended up renovating and doing a lot of the work ourselves. It’s got all the amenities along with great quality heating and air. Then, it was all about raising kids and advancing my career. But of course, having a family and a career comes with plenty of sacrifice. That’s never been to big a deal for me really as I get great pleasure out of providing and sacrificing for the kids. However, now that they are older, I really wanted a place of my own to sort of be able to find some peace. So my brother and I threw up some interior walls in the basement and I called the HVAC company. The HVAC professionals installed a ductless heat pump inside that new room we built in the basement. I put some stuff in there for just me and it’s sort of a cross between a man cave and a study. But it’s all mine and I have the best air conditioning as well.


air conditioner