I ended up having to go do a furnace repair job the other day

I ended up having to go and do a furnace repair job the other day when I was working at the local heating and cooling company. The house that I had to go to was out on the edge of town just before you get to the national forest that’s out near where we live. It was a really creepy looking house, that’s for sure. Not only that, but the fact that it’s out in the middle of nowhere with no other neighbors around makes it feel very secluded and even creepier than it is. I didn’t really want to go out there all by myself, but I knew that if I complained about it, then all of the other HVAC technicians at work would give me a really hard time about it for the rest of my life! So I just sucked it up and I went out there even though I did not want to. I drove the HVAC maintenance truck up to the front of the house and parked it. When I got out, there was a really mean looking dog on the front porch that started barking at me. So instead of getting out and having my leg bitten off, I just sat in the HVAC truck and honked the horn until a weird looking old dude came out onto the porch to quiet down the dog. Then he waved me in and I got out and went inside. The house literally felt like something from out of a horror movie. I was really freaked out the whole time that I was there. I ended up having to work on the furnace down in the basement. By the time I left, I was a nervous wreck.

central heater