Furnace splitting down during a Wintertide storm

This past winter, I lived a eveningmare scenario.

All month long, the weather issued a Wintertide storm warning.

I did everything I could to prepare, or so I thought. I stocked up on food plus made sure I wouldn’t need to leave the apartment much. I intended to work remotely plus sit low throughout the duration of the storm, which was supposed to last about 3 afternoons… On the first morning of the storm, I watched movies plus curled up on the couch until it was time for bed. When I woke up the next morning, my apartment was chilly! I went down to the basement plus found that the gas furnace was silent plus cold. It had somehow turned off. I tried everything to get it back on, however I don’t guess much about how to operate a gas furnace. I called every heating plus cooling supplier in town, plus they were all swamped with other emergency calls from the storm. The earliest maintenance appointment I could schedule was multiple afternoons away. The roads were in disappointing shape, so I couldn’t leave to go stay with a friend. I was out of luck. I found an outdated space heating system in storage that I pulled out. I spent the next multiple afternoons in layers in front of the small space heater. I turned on the oven for added heat. I drank endless amounts of hot water. It was brutal, however I made it through. Eventually, the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C appointment finally came plus I was able to hot my apartment back up again.

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