The A/C equipment was undoubtedly loud.

My partner came into the condo after work, and the first thing he did was go to the control unit.

I heard and I asked my partner why he did that. He asked if I had all the noise coming from the air conditioning system? I had heard how loud the A/C equipment had become. I was so scheduled taking care of the youngsters, cleaning the house, and making sure his lunch was ready, that I didn’t have time to take care of it. The A/C equipment sounded like it was getting ready to rock off its outside pad. I asked if he wanted me to call the HVAC corporation, or if he thought he could do it by himself? He told me he would handle the situation. After rolling my eyes and glaring at him, I went back to making lunch. I’m sure he thought he was doing something nice, but I thought it sounded a bit snarky the way he had put it. An hour later, I was just getting ready to put lunch on the table when there was a knock at the door. Any other time it would’ve taken the HVAC professional several hours to arrive, but not this time. An hour after my partner had put into a call to the HVAC corporation, there was a professional knocking on our door. I quietly set the youngsters down to the table and I ate lunch with them, while my partner talked to the HVAC Tech while he was repairing the air conditioner unit. When he came into the house, he saw that both of us had all eaten and asked where his food was? I pointed to the dried up baked potatoes and steak that were still resting on a broiler pan.



air conditioner tune-up