We reviewed a modern window A/C unit that was compared to an old model

I have a few good friends that work with me to make YouTube videos on our channel.

We basically love to review different types of products.

We even enjoy reviewing old models and comparing them to new models. This can be anything like Mp3 players, headphones, and even window A/C units! It was just recently that we decided to review this really nice modern A/C window unit. We wanted to compare this new model of window A/C unit with a very old window A/C unit from the past. We measured everything for the length of a month with the two different models, one was at my friend’s house and I had one at mine working the same hours of operation. We measured how well the window A/C units cooled the rooms, and we measured the coldest blowing air from both models. The new model is especially nice because it has a built in smart thermostat. The old one didn’t even have a remote, so there was absolutely no remote control thermostat adjustment. We also measured the cost to use the window A/C units for the length of the month. My friend’s electric bill was easily over $100 more than mine and we both weren’t using much electricity other than the cooling unit usage. My electric bill was surprisingly cheap, and I figured it has a lot to do with advanced HVAC technology and the energy savings of a smart thermostat. I think that’s brilliant that they make window A/C units these days with smart thermostats. We definitely provided this window A/C unit a great review, and we easily recommend it to people to use as either a backup or to even cover all their cooling needs with multiple units.

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