The air conditioning got stuck in the on position

The weather around here is still pretty hot and so we are still using our air conditioning even though it’s already September. Usually, I don’t have to use the A/C this late in the year but for some reason, the weather isn’t really cooling off much yet this year. Well, most of the time it isn’t super hot now, but it’s still warm. In other words, the temperature outside is still at the point where I need to have the air conditioning running in the house at night. I can’t sleep at night when the inside of the house is too hot and stuffy. I always sleep with the air conditioning turned on unless the temperature outside is less than 65 degrees. Anyway, the other day, I went to turn the air conditioning up just a little bit because it was actually pretty cool outside that day. I remember thinking that I was glad that the weather was cooling off because I thought that I would be able to save some money on my air conditioning bills. However, when I went over to the thermostat to turn the A/C down a little bit, I couldn’t get the temperature to budge. The thermostat was stuck with the air conditioning in the on position and I couldn’t get it to turn off! Meanwhile, the weather outside was getting colder and colder. So I ended up feeling like a real idiot. I was walking around inside of the house with a winter jacket and gloves on because my air conditioning was stuck in the on position.

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