It is restock-day at the cooling and heating provider’s store

I got a summer job with the town’s cooling and heating provider. It is the most interesting job I have had so far. Part of my duties included upselling the cooling systems, advising customers on how to maintain their units. The best part of my day was advising the customers on the best-suited cooling equipment for their needs. There were also cooling experts within the cooling and heating business that took care of the cooling install. The cooling workman was responsible for the heat pump repairs. A few weeks after I started, the owner of the business had said that we would restock since most homeowners replaced their heat pumps. We put in an invoice to the brands to deliver their equipment. The equipment ranged from thermostats to commercial units. For some units, we got numerous from one brand because the brand developed quality systems. We also restocked equipment to do with air quality. These accessories include air filters as well as air ducts. The highest quality filters were of the HEPA brand and yes we did have these accessories in our inventory. We also stocked all sorts of thermostats from dial to programmable and smart regulators. My parents had a programmable regulator that really helped in studying their temperature patterns and adjusted the unit automatically to suit the requirements. It was a long two weeks but we were able to replenish our stock in time for demand season. We were there to serve the community and we made sure to do that efficiently. That experience taught me a lot that would help in my personal life as well as in my career.


