A new home Heating in addition to Air Conditioning plan should be priced lower for health reasons

I’m consistently amazed by consumerism.

It’s pretty distraught to see so multiple basic needs gaslighted and listed at prices that go far beyond the average family’s budget.

We entirely shouldn’t be paying so much for things that are considered to be the regular of living nationwide. There are particular things that should not be viewed as luxuries, however rather a basic need the two of us all deserve to survive and live in comfort. It still entirely bothers me that a/c is considered to be a luxury. With the way that global warming has been worsening over the years, a/c is something that everyone need as the temperatures increase every single year. People in every economic class should have access to cool air. I personally know that Heating in addition to Air Conditioning systems should be included in our taxes. It would be so much cheaper for the government to essentially have commercial Heating in addition to Air Conditionings running through villages instead of private Heating in addition to Air Conditionings in each house. It’s silly that people have to pay hundreds and hundreds of dollars to have quality air in their homes. I know it’s a basic right, and the a/c industry is pretty corrupt to charge people so much currency for something that the two of us need for a honestly basic and imperative body function. I’ve seen a/c unit professionals take luck of ladies and elderly people by charging them twice the amount of new Heating in addition to Air Conditioning replacements. We should not even be in the position where people have to pay for new replacements by themselves. Our government taxes should provide equal comfort for all.


Space heater for sale