Cleaning the window A/C is easy work for a Saturday afternoon

My wife and I have two window AC units in our home.

One of the window AC units is located in our bedroom, at the end of the hall.

The other window AC unit is located in the living room. There is an open floor plan between the living room, dining room, and kitchen. We do not live in an area with a tropical climate, so two window AC units work just fine during the warm summer months. The average summer temperatures are usually around 80 or 85 degrees. We rarely have much humidity, which keeps the warm temperatures bearable. In order to keep the equipment running efficiently, my wife and I perform a thorough maintenance cleaning on both of the AC units. I clean them before summer starts, and my wife is responsible to clean them after the seasonal weather is over. We both follow the same step-by-step guide. First we unplug the air conditioner and remove the front housing plate. After that, we use the vacuum cleaner to remove any of the dust. My wife and I bought a special tool to straighten all of the cooling fins. It didn’t cost much money and it really helps keep the air flowing. We also check the drainage line for algae and we check the pipe for any dirt or debris that may cause a blockage. We always replace the filter in the beginning and end of summer. These simple maintenance steps are the main reason why my wife and I have had the same cooling equipment in our home for the past 12 years.

Cooling technology