My favorite furnaces and air conditioners

I would like to discuss my favorite furnaces and air conditioners and why they are my favorites.

First there is the window air conditioner.

While the window air conditioner is getting old and out of style, I still love mine. I love my window air conditioner because of the constant soft sound that it makes and how quickly it can cool down my room. I have a window air conditioner in my bedroom and its consistent sound helps me fall asleep at night. My next favorite HVAC unit is a central air conditioner. Central air conditioners are great at keeping your entire house cool all day, and that is one reason why I love them so much. I always keep an eye out for a good central air conditioner to purchase. I also love how central air conditioners can be connected to a smart thermostat, which makes life so much easier. Moving on to furnaces, my favorite furnace is the electric furnace. While many people have negative opinions about electric furnaces, I personally have never had a problem with my electric furnace. I love how efficient this type of furnace is, and how much money it has saved me over time. My next favorite type of heater is the portable space heater. Portable space heaters are small and often unnoticed, but I always love a little space heater at my feet keeping me warm on cold winter evenings. Since I have been an HVAC technician for several years, I have seen every different type of HVAC unit, and the window air conditioner, central air conditioner, eclectic furnace, and space heater are my favorite types of HVAC units.