Our a/c needs are really extreme

I guess now I realize that people have consistently been uncomfortable with the a/c at my house

People have told us that the way that we use our a/c is a bit extreme, and at first, I didn’t understand what they meant. In the apartment where I grew up, my family consistently kept the central a/c at a really frosty temperature. I was 1 of the fortunate kids in my area that had a central a/c, and I literally appreciated every moment of it. However, since I had grown up using the central a/c the way that I did, I didn’t realize that other people didn’t use the a/c the way that I do. The temperature control for our central a/c was consistently set at 60 degrees, and I thought that that was really comfortable. When I met my partner, she loved the a/c as much as I did. However, we are really hospitable people, and we have invited people over to our apartment before. Every time that we had people over, they consistently told us that our apartment was too cold. We didn’t certainly understand, so we told them that this was how we appreciated using our a/c. However, since then, I have l acquired that everyone adjust their temperature controls to 71 degrees. Our a/c needs were really extreme, and we have been slowly increasing and reprogramming our bodies to higher temperatures so that we can love the same amount of a/c as everyone. I guess now I realize that people have consistently been uncomfortable with the a/c at my house. I can even remember friends not wanting to spend the night because of it. I guess that I thought that they were the unusual 1s.



a/c serviceman