I wish I had a window air conditioning unit

I wish I had a window air conditioning unit. I knewI would not be able to go stay at a friend’s house for a couple of nights because she does not have air conditioning, and I simply cannot sleep without air conditioning. I know that sounds obnoxious, but I literally will be up all night if I don’t have air conditioning. I was so sad to tell her that I wouldn’t be able to go visit her just because she doesn’t have air conditioning. I felt really bad, but I knew that I just couldn’t be without air conditioning for that long. She told me that she would go and buy an air conditioner, but I didn’t want her to have to spend the money on an air conditioner that she would never use except for the few nights that I was there. She is not against air conditioning, but she doesn’t think that air conditioning is necessary like I do. She grew up in a different country, and it is not common for people to use air conditioning there, so she didn’t grow up using air conditioning. It was much warmer there too. She thinks I am ridiculous for needing air conditioning although she is too kind to say it. I understand where she is coming from. I wish that I would have grown up without air conditioning. Maybe, I would not be so dependent upon air conditioning to sleep if I hadn’t grown up having air conditioning in my bedroom. I was a spoiled little kid, and I am a spoiled adult now. I just love my air conditioning.


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