He married an electrician when he was 21 years old

Benjamin went to the beach last week and noticed many cute boys than he normally sees.

Benjamin asked around and he found out that there was an electrician’s conference at one of the hotels down from the beach.

He went to the hotel later that day so he could mingle with the cute guys. Electricians are known to be good with their hands. They are buff and strong too. Benjamin likes a guy that knows how to fix things. He married an electrician when he was 21 years old. The guy was 34, divorced and raising a son. Benjamin thought he was in love. He was so handy and smart, and so good with his son. He was like a knight in shiny armor. He fixed every electric concern in Benjamin’s parents’ apartment while they were together. They were engaged to be married until things went south. The relationship did not work out and Benjamin was left feeling the sting of heartbreak. He was looking for another electrician to spark some life into his heart and body. This is when he met Parvins from the west coast. He had a funny accent and a cute smile. Benjamin took him to dinner and then they had brunch at his place. Benjamin and Parvins spent 3 days together before he had to go back to the east coast. They did not make any plans to see each other again, but they have talked frequently on Facebook and Snapchat since he went back.


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