It’s fairly simple to insulate an attic with thermal foil sheeting

Sunlight can be certainly oppressive in the Summer depending on which agricultural zone you dwell in.

My first trip to the south as a child illustrated this to me perfectly.

I’ll never forget how it felt stepping off the plane as well as onto the jet bridge while I walked into the terminal through outdoor air. Even though the temperature was the same as it was in our home up north before the two of us left on our trip earlier that day, it felt considerably hotter as the jet bridge was exposed to direct day sunlight. When my family as well as I eventually made it outside to the automobile rental dealership, I was starting to sweat uncomfortably. It was only 85 degrees out, however it felt love it was 100! The people I was with and I visited the beach while the two of us were in our trip as well as I managed to get a severe sunburn after being outside for less than an hour without a shirt or any sunscreen on my skin. It was exceptionally painful compared to the sunlight burns I had experienced before up north. Now that I’m residing down here full time as an adult, I’m trying to mitigate the radiant heat from the sun’s UV rays while the two of us were in the day. Since my home has no shade or tree cover, the attic gets constant sunlight from daysplit until dusk. As you’d assume, this makes my air conditioning system run always in the Summer season while the two of us were in the day hours. It’s not even that I’m worried about my electric bill primarily; I just don’t want to see my air conditioning system split down years before it normally would. That’s why I added reflective foil insulation to my attic. It reflects 95% of radiant heat from UV rays. It’s also simple enough for someone to do it without professional help.

air purifier