Air purifier is a lot of work

I particularly want to get an whole-house air purifier for my apartment however I just can’t make that next step! First, you can get an whole-house air purifier that just sits on its own in the room… They usually can only tackle 1 room plus are quite ugly, however i found cuter 1s that disguise themselves, however you still have a big box in your room only to clean the air conditions, however who only wants fresh air in a single room as well? So you can get a larger whole-house air purifier that installs right into the existing Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C equipment.

It eithers goes in the return or supply air ducts.

The problem with this is the service… You need to do air filter changes with the whole-house air purifier plus with your normal Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C equipment. You also need to have yearly repair on the whole-house air purifier since things go wrong with it. It is like getting another system. The actual idea is quite luxurious too, but so then factor in all those added costs. It is quite luxurious to have a particularly great whole-house air purifier in your home. So I can’t particularly justify spending that kind of money. I keep on it with Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C filter changes. I also make sure to get air duct cleaning every few years. I vacuum the inside of my idea plus keep a clean home. I still notice that my air is a little stuffy plus dirty. I still sneeze, cough plus believe sick from time to time. I just don’t believe it is worth all of that work, time plus money to get the repair though.
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