My mom bought me a new air purifier

My mom bought me a new air purifier.

  • I love her so much.

She is truly the best mom that anyone could ever ask for. She is constantly looking for ways to help people and show them love. Her children are her priority now that my dad has passed away, and she takes great care of us. Even though we are all married and out of the house, she still does everything that can to make sure that we have what we need and many times what we want. She somehow heard that my air purifier was not doing well. I am not sure what happened to it. I am guessing that it just got old. I had that same air purifier for about seven years, and I basically used it 24/7, so it got plenty of use. I absolutely love having an air purifier in my home, and my mom knows that. I will not go without an air purifier as long as I have a choice in the matter. Air purifiers clean so many pollutants out of the air that we breathe and help keep us healthy. My husband and I have noticed such a difference in our seasonal allergies and other health issues when we started using an air purifier many years ago. I was planning to buy a new air purifier, but I had not gotten around to it when my mom showed up at my door with a brand new air purifier. It is so much nicer than any air purifier that I would have bought myself. I love my new air purifier, and I love my wonderful mom.
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