My husband and I are thinking about adding central air conditioning to our house

My husband and I are thinking about adding central air conditioning to our house.

It is sort of sad because we have been wanting central air conditioning for years and years now, but we never actually got it installed. Now that we are thinking about moving within the next couple of years, we are going to instal central air conditioning in our home. I wish that we would have just gone ahead and got some central air conditioning a long time ago, but the past is in the past. We will still be in this house for at least another two years, so if we do end up getting central air conditioning, we will at least be able to enjoy it for two years. My husband and I already discussed that our next house will definitely have central air conditioning. We are sick of dealing with window air conditioning units. They are a blessing to have when you don’t have central air conditioning, but they simply do not compare to having central air conditioning. They can’t evenly cool the entire house down like central air conditioning can. I will not miss having to use window air conditioning units if we get central air conditioning. My parents are thinking about buying our house from us, and I want them to have central air conditioning. I know that they would never pay to get central air conditioning installed in the home, so I would rather it already be there for them. They have central air conditioning in the house that they are in now, and it would be a pity for them to move into our house and not have it.

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