It seems like forever since I have had air conditioning

It seems like forever since I have had air conditioning.

I moved to a third world country about seven years ago, and my apartment here does not have air conditioning.

No one around me has air conditioning, so I don’t want to be the one person who uses air conditioning if no one else does. Besides, I am not sure that the electrical work in my house could run an air conditioner. It is the most sketchy electrical job that I have ever seen. I did miss air conditioning a lot when I first moved here, but I have gotten used to not having air conditioning. Now, I pretty much freeze whenever I go somewhere that has air conditioning. There is a larger city about fifty miles from my apartment, and some of the stores in that city have air conditioning, but I don’t like it. I would much rather go without air conditioning. I have gotten so used to not having air conditioning that I don’t know if I will ever be able to use it again. I plan to move back to the United States soon, but I don’t think I will be using air conditioning there either. Where I am living now is a pretty hot climate. It gets over a hundred degrees quite often during the summer months. I know that most places that I look at in the states will have air conditioning because I want to move down south. I just won’t use it if the house that I buy comes with air conditioning. I am actually curious if I will end up changing my mind and slowly getting used to air conditioning once again since most places in the states are air conditioned.

air conditioner service