I will not lose the thermostat wars

Tit-for-tat arguments and bickering seem to come with the territory of having a relationship.

It’s the little things that can seem to matter when you are with someone.

I have multiple small arguments with my wife Jen, and it almost becomes a game sporadically as to who will mention something first. Take the smart thermostat, for example. Jen and I generally agree on the temperature range that the two of us love in the house… Well, I guess that’s not certainly accurate any longer. I would absolutely love to make it a few degrees cooler than the compromise that we’ve recently settled on. Or, at least, I thought the two of us were compromising on it. For a while now, Jen and I have set the thermostat to 70 degrees whenever the two of us occupy the house, however during the morning, before I leave for work, I set the thermostat to 70 degrees, but yet, when I am back in the house, I honestly love it to be at least 70 degrees or cooler, however lately, but, Jen has been setting the thermostat to 70 degrees, however every time I see it I will return it to 70 degrees. This has been going on for about a month now. Every time I turn around the smart thermostat is set to 70 degrees, so I simply change it back to 70 degrees. It’s pretty apparent that Jen and I both think full well what we’re doing and if the two of us do not mention it at all. I am not sure who should mention it first. At this point, I can absolutely tell exactly when the temperature shifts, but Jen is pretty sneaky about when she is standing by the thermostat changing it.

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