Pinching pennies on my utility bill

I’m doing several things to save as much money as possible on my energy and water bill.

I am a person who is willing to live with a minimal amount of personal comfort if it means that I can save a handsome sum of money.

That is not to say that I am forcing myself to be uncomfortable all the time. The simple truth is that I can live simply, with less. I keep my thermostat at eighty degrees in the warm season. When I am not occupying my house, I set it to eighty five degrees. This ends up saving me a whole boatload of money in the end. I hear the amount on the electric bills that my friends pay, and I am stunned at the stark difference between my bill and their bill. One neighbor says that they have to blast the a/c at 67 degrees at night. They reason that the cooler the temperature, the easier it is to fall asleep. However, I can accomplish the same effect separate from running my central a/c at such an absurdly low temp all night long! I simply put a large fan in my room to circulate the air. I also have my ceiling fan running at night. During the daylight hours, I also draw the curtains and generally try to keep the sunshine from heating up my home to a warmer temp that needs to be. There are absolutely multiple ways to save money on your monthly utility bills by conserving water and energy. It’s absolutely nice to have a ton of money in your savings account at any given time!
a/c serviceman