Focusing on the small details for extra Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C savings this summer

When you live in a weather conditions where there are several weeks of staggering levels of heat plus humidity, 1 learns real quick just how to deal.

Perhaps for those with unlimited funds plus little ecological conscience, maximum Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C cooling is part of the plan.

That’s not the way it is in our house though. For sure, air conditioning is just part of the program around these parts. But it doesn’t have to be overused love it is by so many. Some acceptance plus getting accustomed to the heat is a fantastic stadium to start when it comes to increasing to the heat here. And doing the basics love sealing up the house, stopping direct sunlight heating plus keeping some control machine discipline are essential. But these afternoons, I love to go even deeper in order to reduce the cost of Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C cooling. There are all sorts of small things 1 can do while in heat season to further reduce the cost of all that air conditioning. I don’t use the stove or the oven much at all while in the summer. Instead, I grill outside plus prepare cold sides inside. I don’t use the dryer while in the morning in the summer time either. I use it at night if I use it at all. Mostly, I hang our laundry outside while in the summer. I’ve even changed out all the lightbulbs as the current 1s emit a fraction of the heat that the outdated light bulbs did. All of it adds up to a massive bunch of savings when it comes to the electricity bill while in the summer time here.

