Turning my house into a condo with ductless heat pump

The ductwork turned out to also be junk so I went with ductless heat pumps to stay on budget

It took myself and others 20 years but I finally did it. I’m a homeowner. Being a bachelor plus a social worker sort of worked against myself and others as far as being able to afford a home. So I lived in apartments with marginal quality heating plus air for 2 decades. That’s just too long to live with subpar residential Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C while building certainly zero equity. But that’s how it went. I’m sure that had I married or gone into the private sector, I’d have been a homeowner long ago. Nonetheless, I’m so cheerful to absolutely own my house. It’s needed quite a bit of work for myself and others to absolutely be able to liver there comfortably. I obtained it at the end of Winter plus found out immediately that the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C unit had to be replaced much sooner than I had hoped. But I had other things to deal with on the priority list. So that summer time was a moderate 1 until I obtained a small window air conditioning machine plus put it in my home office. That helped take the load off the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C machine while I was working on the rest of the house. That fall, I finally was ready to finish off the renovations with the addition of a ductless multi split heating plus cooling system. Basically, there are three ductless heat pumps inside my small 2 home office home. The ductwork turned out to also be junk so I went with ductless heat pumps to stay on budget. Not only was it a less pricey option, the ductless heat pumps are more efficient plus easily powerful.

