Watch those candles when it comes to the HVAC

So I learned the hard way that there is a direct link between burning lots of candles and the HVAC.

It all started when I was trying to win over the woman who is now my wife.

While I nearly killed the HVAC in the effort to win her affections, it was worth it. Back then, I was just starting out in my career and wasn’t earning all that much money. So, I had the requisite apartment with the not so great HVAC. I think we have all been there right? It’s not that bad a place and the price is right. However, the HVAC is nothing like what we have in our homes now. Well, this is exactly what I had. My romance game was not worthy of much mention. I think I had maybe one serious girlfriend through college. And that was more by accident than it was out of any sort of effort. So to say that I was any kind of lady’s man would be the overstatement of all time. Yet when I met this girl at work, I knew that I wanted to see her exclusively. We went out a few times and that went pretty good. So, I decided to up my game and have her over for a dinner I prepared. This was quite the scene given that a package of Ramen noodles was not the easiest thing for me. I set the scene with so many candles that the only light I need was directly over the stove. It worked out great actually and we repeated this date several more times. Come to find out, all that candle burning nearly choked out the HVAC because it completely coated the HVAC air filter.

