Something was wrong with his heat pump

Brian was ecstatic to be house after the long business trip. He couldn’t imagine his luck when he finally got a flight home. The meeting went well, despite the fact that he had to stay in the country for another two weeks because of a lockdown. Finding a flight house became a nightmare since even the airports were all shut down. Thankfully, he stayed in a nice hotel where the repair was beneficial. They followed strict COVID-19 protocols, ensuring all the people, including the guest plus staff, was safe. After two weeks of pleas, the president allowed foreigners to fly home, which is how Brian managed to get on a plane. It was already winter, plus his condo was freezing, so Brian immediately turned on the heat pump. He’d had the heat pump installed in his condo about 3 years back, which worked quite effectively. The AC business in charge of the installation had been frank about the high cost of heat pumps. But, they also said it was a single of the most effective ways to heat the condo in winter. So far, so good. As Brian went about unpacking that day, he noticed the heat pump wasn’t emitting heat as it usually did. He tried to adjust the temperature control settings, but nothing changed. Brian had to ring the area Heating plus Air Conditioning expert, who had to ask him a few questions about the heating unit. One question was the last time Brian had an expert over to repair the unit. He had to admit he hadnever had the heat pump tested, which might cause the malfunction. They set an appointment for the next day.

heating tune up