A gaming place is really popular in my town

I’m not sure when this gaming arcade popped up in my small town, but I do know it’s fairly new, it’s probably only been here for a few years. Anyways, this little gaming arcade place became very popular in our little town. Not only did the little kids love it, but adults loved it as well. Better yet, the gaming place was not just an arcade, but it also had a restaurant inside, so people could go and play games and eat delicious food at the same time! I wanted to see for myself why this place was so popular, but for the most part, I was always busy doing other things. Finally one weekend, I had cleared up enough of my activities to find time to check out this gaming place. I drove down there and made it around lunch hour. When I walked in, I was amazed how cold and crisp the restaurant and gaming arcade was. It made me remember what having air conditioning was like, as obviously this gaming place had a very high powered and efficient A/C system. That is probably something you should know about our little town, there isn’t a HVAC business here, so most people don’t have heating or cooling devices. You eventually get used to heat and the cold. But wow, did this place feel great! I was beginning to see why people loved this place. I ordered a ham sandwich with chips and had a great time eating there. Then I stopped and played a few games as well. The place felt so comfortable because of the cooling component, I almost didn’t want to leave! I can see why people love this place so much, it feels so great!

