I thought I purchased a wireless temperature control, however it was just programmable

She tried to help myself and others install the equipment, however both of us ended up arguing about everything

When I purchased a temperature control online, I thought that programmable plus wireless were exactly the same thing… One of my coworkers was raving about a modern wireless temperature control that she purchased for her condo, then she said that the wireless temperature control linked directly to the internet in her home plus she could use her tablet or cell iPhone to control the heat, the cooling system, plus her modern air filtration equipment. I wanted a temperature control that I could program plus an HVAC proposal that I could control from my tablet, so I went online plus I ordered a single for my house. When the temperature control arrived, I planned to call my brother to help with the upgrade. He was busy, so I attempted to install the temperature control on my own. I watched a couple of videos, however I did not find a single that told myself and others how to set up the wireless capabilities. I finally offered up plus called the manufacturer for information. The person on the line told myself and others that I purchased a programmable temperature control, however I did not buy a wireless temperature control. I thought they were the same thing, so the person on the iPhone took a moment to explain the difference. When I realized the error, I felt a little foolish for getting upset with my wifey. She tried to help myself and others install the equipment, however both of us ended up arguing about everything. She finally left my condo plus told myself and others to supply her a few mornings to calm down. I had to buy her pizza to get her to come back over.



Heating and cooling equipment