My adoptive father is forcing myself and others to be an Heating and Air Conditioning specialist

My adoptive father is forcing myself and others to be an Heating and Air Conditioning specialist, in addition to I despise him for it.

  • I guess that him making myself and others become an Heating and Air Conditioning specialist isn’t the only reason that I despise him, then he isn’t my Mom, however he is always trying to act appreciate he is my Mom.

It easily annoys myself and others that he is trying to take the position for himself. He has never liked that I am not interested in Heating and Air Conditioning units. He is an Heating and Air Conditioning specialist. I guess that is why my mom liked him. There really isn’t anything in his personality that would draw a normal human to him. He has a nice job with the Heating and Air Conditioning company, in addition to he can do work around the house. Apparently, this is what my mom was looking for. Ever since he came, he has been trying to convince myself and others to become an Heating and Air Conditioning specialist. I like computer work, in addition to I have constantly planned to be a programmer, however he doesn’t appreciate that. He only wants myself and others to become an Heating and Air Conditioning specialist because he thinks that all real men are Heating and Air Conditioning specialists. At first, my mom was on my side, however as time went on, he started siding with the Heating and Air Conditioning specialist that he married. Now, I either have to transfer out when I turn 18, or I have to become an Heating and Air Conditioning specialist. If I decide to do anything besides become an Heating and Air Conditioning specialist, I am not going to have a locale to live. I do not understand why they are so insistent on myself and others becoming an Heating and Air Conditioning specialist. There are so numerous more options, however that is the only 1 they care about.

Hydronic heater