I have an air conditioned tent for my sales

I am in a very unique line of work, one that I built through years of intense nerdiness and collecting.

I buy and sell old comic books, toys, and other collectables, so there is no downside guarantee on making money.

Every day is a gamble in this line of work, so I am always hustling for the next opportunity. I attend a lot of conventions and shows, where I set up a table and hawk my wares. I live in the south, and although I drive around the country as needed mostly I stay in my home state. The biggest tool in my arsenal, and what helps me make the most money, is a portable air conditioner believe it or not. Think about it, at an outside convention or show, with hundreds of tents and tables, what better way to stand out than by offering air conditioning? When the days get very hot, people will hang out in my tent just for the cooling, and the longer they hang out the more likely they are to buy something. I am not a hardliner about it, but if someone is parked in front of the AC vent long enough without opening their wallet I will politely ask them to leave. My inventory is good, of course, and my prices are as good as anyone else’s, so I know it is the little extra of the AC that helps me stand out from the pack. People who are comfortable will have more fun shopping, so for me the AC is a real driver of revenue.

Heater for sale