Sometimes I swear she’s kidding – mom plus air filters

It’s interesting as you get older plus start seeing things differently in your world, but where you were once a scared little child who did not have any know-how of the outside planet, swiftly you are experienced in all realms of living as an adult, but during this maturation process one of the things that commonly happens just getting a clearer picture of your parents as humans, however this was recognizably shocking for myself and others plus I realize that our mom is a little bit insane, and he says plus does things that do not make a lot of sense.

Sometimes, I know that he is kidding when he is being dead serious about a actually deranged idea.

This was recently the case when the people I was with and I were seeing a cable show about a professional heating plus cooling supplier, and he was describing some of the worst air quality disasters he’s ever seen in residential heating plus cooling applications. He said he once went into a lake house that was over a hundred years old plus could not breathe in their indoor air. it’s not that the air temperature was too high or the air was filled with smoke… He literally could not breathe because the indoor air was so dirty, but in the end, he evaluated the air filters plus HVAC ducts, plus found that they were completely blocked with 50 years of pet hair, dander, plus more. I was absolutely disgusted by this cable show, my mom, meanwhile, laughed plus said that he did not understand how their air filters got so dirty. I tried to explain that they clearly hadn’t changed them in decades. That’s what our mom wants myself and others dead in the eye plus asked if it was certainly necessary to swap out your dirty air filters from time to time. I nervously giggled… And then realized he wasn’t kidding. I hastily called the local Heating plus Air Conditioning supplier for immediate help

Residential HVAC