I knew I needed a better diet

Although it is easier and more convenient to ignore the problem, I couldn’t ignore my protruding stomach.

My diet sucked, and my body had to show for it.

I remember in my younger years I was not like this at all, I was athletic and on the football team. I had so many admirers, those were my glory years. Now? I have made the mistake of letting myself consume too many bad foods and I have gained too much weight. I officially have a dad bod, which is not a nice look on me. I always dreamed of looking into the mirror and seeing myself skinny once again, but it seems like it is so far out of reach sometimes. But thankfully, there are programs to help people like me. There are actually specific nutritional programs to help you eat healthier foods. The nutritional counseling comes from experts, and the best part is that a lot of them come with certified fitness experts, if you want to lose weight as well. Although I know I have all of these available options to me, I still hesitate. Even though I know it would be better for me in the long run to go to a health and fitness center, I know how I am. I can’t help but to worry. I am going to put in all of that effort, make some progress, and then go back into my old bad habits again. I have done that before and I worry about doing that again and that it would all be a waste of time and money.


Weight lifting