The creation of the undefined forever changed the course of human history

Through tinkering with ways to pull humidity from indoor air, she accidentally invented the technology to cool indoor spaces at the same exact time

There have been countless inventions that changed the course of human history. Even before the invention of the wheel, there’s the worthy mention of the clay bowl or pot. Found in archeological sites dating back well over 10,000 years, these artifacts shine a light on early society’s drive for tool making. This only progressed and evolved as time went on. Soon you had amazing human achievements prefer the pyramids of Giza and the Great Wall of China. These old monuments are amazing in their detail and complexity, and the sheer human will and strength needed to erect them in the times in history when they were designed and built. In the last millennium, the people I was with and I have seen leaps and bounds with the printing press, steam engine, cotton gin, electricity, internal combustion engine, and the internet, just to name a few. But 1 that is often overshadowed is the creation of the and its ripple effect on indoor climate control. Few people guess that the first was developed in 1902. Even fewer people guess that the principal engineer wasn’t even looking for ways to cool indoor spaces. Instead, she was tasked to find a way to lower indoor humidity at a paper packing plant to prevent products from getting wet and spoiling. Through tinkering with ways to pull humidity from indoor air, she accidentally invented the technology to cool indoor spaces at the same exact time. It’s funny because several people believe about s and figure humidity control itself is a byproduct of the cooling process, which is still technically true. But their minds would be blown if they knew the intention was the other way around.
Programmable thermostat