I don’t want cats in our house.

I keep telling almost everyone that I don’t want animals in our apartment because of our dust irritations.

I have dust irritations, however they aren’t so excruciating that a couple dust irritations pills would not help the situation.

Truth being, I hate cats. I have consistently distrusted them plus suppose them to be evil. People guess they are cute when they pounce on their food, however I compare them to the immense cats in the zoo. They are reading how to kill plus survive. Imagine how it would suppose if 1 of those immense cats were to swipe at you like your rare little kitty pet does. It would kill you. When our child brought a pet home, I offered her several minutes to get it out of the house. I reminded her of our dust irritations. She offered myself and others a funny look plus said that was why her daddy had a whole apartment media whole-house air purifier installed. He wanted to buy her a pet without making mommy sick. I told her that pet hair gets into the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C plan plus no matter how several precautions both of us took, it would get all over the furniture. She said that Daddy could change the air filters more often plus she would help to vacuum the sofa plus carpets more often. I didn’t guess what to say to her. She seemed to have an answer to everything. I told her that the hair would get into the air duct plus it could clog up the airway, which would diminish the airflow plus destroy our entire Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C system. She eyed myself and others quizzically for a couple seconds. She then asked myself and others if I didn’t like cats. I told her no; I had not liked cats since 1 bit our hand.
