Our dormitory air conditioner was not working right

Our dormitory air conditioner was not working right.

We had only been back to college for two weeks when we noticed it was super cold in the dorm.

I went to the thermostat and changed the temperature, but the air conditioner would not turn off. We told the janitor about the air conditioner, and he took a look at the air conditioner and tried to fix it. He said that it was once again working like usual. I was excited to finally come home to a comfortable temperature, but when I entered the dorm, it was freezing. I checked the thermostat and it said that the air conditioner was off, but clearly it was on and running. I decided to go to the dean of students and file a complaint about the air conditioner in our dorm. The dean scheduled for an HVAC technician to come and fix the air conditioner for us. Unfortunately, the janitor somehow heard that an HVAC technician was supposed to come and he decided he could do a better job than the HVAC technician. The janitor went outside to the central air conditioner unit and took it apart. He cleaned the air ducts and messed with some of the parts, but he only made the air conditioner worse. The next day when the HVAC technician came, he said that our air conditioner was one of the worst cooling units he had ever worked on. The air ducts were messed up, and the wiring was done incorrectly. We found out later that the janitor had really messed up the air conditioner and our thermostat in an attempt to fix it. With a lot of extra work, the HVAC technician fixed the air conditioner

Air conditioning technician