It’s a shame what happened to Lance Armstrong

Something that really shocked me was when Lance Armstrong was going through trial about his alleged use of enhanced drugs to win the Tour De France. I believe he won about 6 of those and he made a huge amount of money to win, something to the tune of $5 million I think. It’s a real shame because I feel as though he was probably innocent. It’s hard to say for certain, and I guess he admitted publicly that he did, but it seems like he was bullied into a confession, kind of how crooked cops do to innocent people, they just want that confession. I always admired the man though, to be able to be in such good shape and win those bike races. I couldn’t even imagine doing something like that without having access to some type of cooling system. If I were ever on a Tour De France or something major like that, I would probably be busted for trying to attach portable cooling devices to my bike. I would have something like that in my helmet too so that I could remain nice and cool while enjoying the ride. I do wonder if they would actually permit any of the bike racers to have portable cooling systems built into their helmets or somewhere on their bike, or would that be considered cheating like using the means of doping to keep your body going. I really couldn’t say for sure as I don’t know, but I feel like something like that shouldn’t be considered cheating. Sure, doping is a problem, but using A/C to help you win, I think that’s just fair game.

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