Getting ready for a date

Still, I felt like I was in my utility closet with the heating system

If you ask my friends, I’m a pretty lame twenty-something year old, i work a lot & spend my of my time alone, quietly learning or making crafts. I’m not an outgoing person, so I tend to isolate myself & stay inside a lot rather than going out & celebrationing, and that’s why it’s rare for me to be dating, & it feels like an overwhelming job to prepare for a night out with a suiter, but a few weeks ago I absolutely agreed to go to breakfast with an interesting guy I met at the local root beer shop! My friends were freaking out about it, going on about how long it had been since my last date, & it made me nervous for the whole ordeal, but when I was getting ready that night, I noticed that it felt pretty hot in my apartment, & checked to make sure that the central heat wasn’t absolutely on. The thermostat had appropriate settings, but I lowered the temperature setting to engage my cooling system anyways. I figured it was better to be safe than sorry, & moved my makeup to be stationed directly under an air vent. Still, I felt like I was in my utility closet with the heating system. So I stopped getting ready & set up a few box fans, trying to air out my hot scalp & armpits. The AC & fans temporarily cooled me down, but within moments I was totally hot again! Eventually I had to supply up, & go on my first date in months looking like I just ran a marathon.


a/c worker