I have three a/c now

I am not sure what to do with the other two a/cs.

I have three a/cs now. I made the mistake of asking some people in my church if they had an extra a/c that I could use. I should have just asked a couple of people, although I announced it at a little meeting my pal and I had for some teachers. There were entirely twenty ladies there, and well, I ended up with three a/cs because of it. I was just needing one a/c for my little apartment, but now, I have three. I tried telling the second two ladies that came that I already had an a/c given to me, but both of them refused to take the a/cs that they brought back home with them. They were being so sweet, and I know that they meant only good. They said that I could find a use for another a/c. Well, I simply cannot find a use for them in my apartment. I live in a studio apartment, and one a/c keeps my apartment nice and cool. To use two or three a/cs would not only be crazy but it would be a waste of money and energy. I am not sure what to do with the other two a/cs. The ladies said that I could keep them because they had no use for them anymore. I am thinking about asking around to see if anyone in my neighborhood or small group needs an a/c. I don’t want to just donate them to some thrift store because I got them for free, and I don’t want someone to have to pay for either of the a/cs.

air vent