Nine space heaters on the racks

I am slowly chugging through the workday and am down to about 45 minutes to go.

Once I am done I am going to brave the crowds and get some food.

I think today will be more crowded in the store because yesterday was Monday and it was a holiday. The store is closed on Sundays too, so that means that a lot of people need food today because they haven’t shopped in a few days. I need some cat litter, kefir, and a bunch of fruit and veggies from the store and then I am set for a week. Heating and cooling repairs in my flat are coming up as soon as we buy a new hot water heater tomorrow and install it. We haven’t had hot water in this flat in about five weeks and both of us are ready for some hot showers and hot water for our dishes. I’ve been using a heating device to give me hot water for my tea and to wash the dishes in, but it is time to get that propane boiler installed so that we can wash clothes in hot water and take hot baths together like we used to do. We have a huge bathtub and we like to fill it up and take a long hot bubble bath while listening to some soft music. The local business sells water boilers and my lady is finding out which unit we need and doing all the research while I do my other work for the day. We work well as a team and she is great.

Read more about heating equipment