Abandoning our wood burning fireplace as childproofing

When my kid started moving around the house, my associate and I realized how many things my associate and I had to let go of because they were safety hazards. That included our fireplace. I did not ever want to feel about what would happen if she crawled into it or touched it. I know my thoughts are extreme, however caution is better than regret. I mentioned my idea to an Heating & Air Conditioning professional friend from my childhood, plus she thought my associate and I should turn it off instead of removing it because it would affect the home’s value, however I was too far invested in the removal, eventually, my associate and I did get a heating company from the local heating supplier to come to look at it plus make suggestions on what my associate and I could do with it. My friend and I had a heater, so my associate and I weren’t going to be lacking in heating equipment for the house, plus the Heating & Air Conditioning installation was well inspected to last us a long time without heating repair. I had all the fights set for the heating company if they tried to convince me not to detach the heating device, however the odds were clearly not for that decision. The heating maintenance expert told us that demolition would require permits, a grueling process I did not want to partake in. That began my acceptance that the fireside would be there, only that my associate and I could not use it. However, the heating dealership told me that if I started using it again, I could transition it from gas to an electric heater, where a control component would allow me to control it. I was not pleased with the solution, however I no longer thought the removal process was simple once the company explained it to me.



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