Importance of HVAC maintenance this spring

This past weekend, I almost had a catastrophe at my house when the HVAC unit caused a fire.

  • I had traveled for the better part of winter, and it was already spring when I returned.

Since I have a ductless heat pump, I changed the setting to air conditioning to help with indoor comfort. A few weeks later, the unit began making noises, and the indoor comfort decreased significantly before it finally stopped working. After a few hours, I switched it back on and saw smoke after a while. I immediately switched everything off and called the fire department. When the report returned, it revealed the unit had strained and started to burn due to clogged air filters. I remember that I need to change them and schedule HVAC maintenance which helps fix issues in the unit. After the fire department left, I called the HVAC business and scheduled a session with the HVAC repairman, who suggested I get a new quality HVAC from the HVAC provider and arrange for HVAC installation. I got a different HVAC brand and an upgraded thermostat. The HVAC professional from the local business took me through the required tune-up requirements and explained the results of a missed repair or tuneup. It was a learning point for me. I was excited to discover the company will keep a schedule and notify customers when their tune-up is due. The professional also highlighted that I should be keen on the system change and watch out for any issues. I was glad nothing wrong happened to me, and I learned my lesson. I have told all family about the ordeal so they, too, get on with tuning their units.
cooling system