Going up a level with my HVAC

It took all I had in the world to afford the downpayment on this house.

So, I didn’t exactly have a bunch of money to tackle things like the HVAC upgrades or the kitchen changes that I wanted to make.

The house I live in is so much a starter home that it almost didn’t start at all. There were a ton of issues with my house and the seller wasn’t interested at all in addressing any of them. But, he was willing to go much lower on the final sale price than I had initially thought possible. So while I got this place for a song, there was plenty for me to do. Initially, the place was so bad inside that I lived in a camper in the driveway without heating and cooling for a few months. That way, I could do the work that needed to be done just to make the place liveable. And that worked out just fine. By winter, I was inside. But my heating was only a wood stove there was not heat pump or gas furnace. However, I figured out the wood stove and it wasn’t so bad. Same thing went for the summer. I had to use a window air conditioner during the summer to cool off my bedroom for sleep. It went like this for a few years before I was able to upgrade the HVAC equipment. And man, is this new HVAC technology ever the best. The HVAC company installed a ductless multi split system in my house. This is serious, quality heating and air I have in this house now.

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