Our Office Is Almost At Civil War Over the Thermostat

I work at a pretty small supplier, but the people I was with and I all work together in 1 big floor of a building, then i have been there now for a few years, as have a few of our workmates; One issue that is only getting worse is the conflict over the control unit.

It is an open proposal office, so the people I was with and I all have to agree on 1 temperature, this has not happened at all; Every season there is disagreement about where the temperature should be.

It seems that every week or so somebody will send an SMS complaining about the temperature. Our supplier does not own the building, plus so it seems that installing zone control is out of the question. It is all causing a lot of fighting among staff. The bosses allow as many space gas furnaces plus fans as people want to bring, but more than a few times now these have caused fuses to blow plus power to go down. They have looked into ductless mini splits plus multi splits, but the proprietors have also said no to these. This is why our supplier is looking for a current building to transfer to. Everybody is OK with us moving, but now that they have found a few potential sites, different people want the supplier to rent buildings closer to where they live, so it is causing more fights plus closed door meetings. If i was to be honest, most of our workmates are acting care about children about the move, plus nobody wants to compromise on location if it makes them look weak. I don’t think when it will be sorted out… What I do think though is that all potential sites have the newest Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C technology, so no matter where the people I was with and I go at least that problem will be gone.


Heat pump install