My husband got a promotion last month and so we have to move to another climate

My husband has been a really hard worker for his entire career and now he is moving up the corporate ladder.

He just got a big promotion and so he has to move to where the corporate offices are for the company.

This means that we have to move to the other side of the country. This is good in a way and bad in a way. I’m looking forward to the change, of course, but we are used to having to deal with a majorly cold climate most of the time here where we live. We have a high efficiency heating system that keeps our house warm and toasty most of the time. We also have several electric space heaters here and there throughout our house, along with a wood burning fireplace. We feel the need to keep all of these heating options around because sometimes the temperatures here get into the single digits. When it’s that cold outside, you can’t exactly be without heating inside your home. I remember one winter when the heating went out and we all had to sleep next to the wood burning fireplace. Well, when we get moved to this new hotter climate, we aren’t going to have to worry about the heating system anymore! We are now going to have to worry about the air conditioning instead. I’m excited about the fact that I don’t have to worry about our heating system anymore, but I don’t know the first thing about air conditioning! I hope that we will have a great air conditioning system in our new house.
space heater