I had my furnace stop working in the middle of the night

In the winter, there is literally no worse feeling than having your furnace stop working in the middle of the night for seemingly no reason.

I don’t usually have a furnace malfunction in the winter, but when my furnace stops working, I remember every minute of it.

This winter was an extra harsh winter. For some reason, the winters have been getting worse and worse, and the temperatures this winter was going to be extremely cold. I was going to have to rely on my furnace more than usual, and I was afraid that the extra strain on my furnace would take it out completely. My furnace was old, and I didn’t think that it had a ton of life in it. During the coldest night of the winter, the furnace stopped working. I am not sure exactly what time the furnace stopped working, but when I wore up in the middle of the night, I could tell that the furnace was broken. I breathed in while awake, and I could feel how cold it was in my throat. I jumped out of bed and checked the thermostat, and I noticed that the temperature in my house was below freezing. The first thing that I did was grab my son and take him into our room. Then, I found a space heater and plugged it into our room. We may not have a furnace, but we were going to be warm. I called the HVAC company, but nobody answered, so I had to wait until the next day for the HVAC technician to come. At this point, my water was frozen, but I managed to get all of that fixed within the week. I was so disappointed, but now, I know that I need to replace that furnace before the following winter.



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